Tuesday, June 23, 2020

COVID-19 Insecurity? Get Back To Digital Marketing Basics

COVID-19 has triggered digital ad spend cuts, campaign pivots, and rapid changes in online consumer behaviors that data analysts are still working to digest. It’s only natural to feel a bit unsettled.

In today’s post, I thought it is useful to remind digital marketers that the basics of good digital marketing remain the same, no matter the context. Being stick to marketing best practices is key to developing an effective and rational digital strategy.

7 essential digital marketing values and COVID-19

We, the digital marketers are fully competent in navigating this unprecedented circumstance, we just have to get back to fundamentals -

1. Redefine the goals and KPIs

This will be different by industry. The goal may now be to stay afloat because demand is thwarting, so you want to reset the target number of conversions. Or maybe it’s time to shift to a brand-first approach to reassure shoppers cause trust is what matters most now.

2. Reset the budget

Do some research to find out how much and where your competitors are spending. The insight you gain now will give you an instant boost and advantage too when things stabilize. Profitability is no doubt the backbone of businesses, but you can probably now focus on building brand awareness organically which takes time and cutting ad spend for the time being for generating direct revenue, which usually means investing in more future revenue.

3. Redefine the audience

It’s worth analyzing, who the audience for brands. Whether they have disappeared or not? Maybe they’ve simply changed their habits and you’ll need advocates to help find them.

4. Redevelop your USP(s)

Many businesses are now offering free trials instead of pushing for purchase. For industries that have had to shift to digital offerings, promotion (both marketing and advertising) will help to adequately communicate new value to prospects.

5. Recheck your communication mediums

We know that customers are spending more and more time online because of social distancing guidelines. Usage is up across all social media platforms, streaming services, and news media consumption. No one is better placed than digital marketers to figure out how to reach them!

6. Recheck work process

Productivity is more important than ever. The more you can automate the repetitive work related to launching and optimizing campaigns, the more time your team has to spend on customer retention, campaign analysis, innovative work, and other ad hoc needs.

7. Reanalyze results

As your CEO scramble to understand how consumer behaviors have changed and where the opportunities lie, the information that can be garnered from digital advertising is more cherished than ever. Now is the chance for marketers like you to lead the way with data-backed insights.

Need a bit more inspiration? We invite you to browse this blog for some of the most popular articles that provide fresh digital marketing tips!

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