Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Google Ads Management Tips (ROI Focused)


Whether you are managing Google ads for your clients, running ads on your own for your own business, or work as a PPC consultant, generating positive ROI will be at the heart of everything you do. In fact, almost every job in the digital marketing and advertising world relies on ROI, whether these are through generating leads, sales, or both.

So let me ask you a question: “Are you happy with your campaigns’ performance?”

If you’ve answered yes, then this post is not for you. But, if you’ve answered no (or maybe), then please read on to discover my five tips for managing Google Ads campaigns effectively that magnitudes the performance of your ad campaigns.

#1 Select a promising market

If you have to run campaigns on behalf of yourself or your company, then make sure that you choose the best possible market.

For example, imagine for a moment that your Analytics data is telling that, leads that are coming through a nationwide ad campaign converting from a couple of specific regions at an impressive rate. Two of the company’s regional salespeople are also confirming the same, and your customer support service team is supporting the fact too. So what typical call you will take, and how you are boosting sales for the company?

The crucial thing here would be to focus on what you know best - either focus more on regional (high converting regions) campaigns with custom messaging or figure out whether the demand exists for your product/service nationwide at all or not?

This is the minimum action that you should naturally feel comfortable executing and confident to analyze further to see the actual impact on ROI with your best possible conversion data. It would also be easy for you to do business in those marketplaces where you have a large number of potential customers with relatively less competition. The goal is to find a market where you can, not only win customers but offer something special so that they stay with you and upgraded their contracts.

#2 Know your audience

Sticking with the example above, clearly, you’d want to keep in mind at all times that these particular regional visitors will be most interested in the product/service you are offering.

There’s no point showcasing lots of features about your product/service to them (your potential consumers) through your ad copies or associated landing pages of it again and again. They won’t be interested in this. They primarily want to hear about how many satisfied customers you’ve signed, retained, or upgraded. And how you provide solutions to your customer’s problems and what are new things you are bringing in for them!

It’s critical that you understand your audience and what they are wanting to see/read/hear. If you fail to deliver the right information to them through your ad copies and landing pages respectively - you’ll leave your audience cold and unimpressed. As a result, the churn rate will increase and will impact campaigns’ ROI adversely.

#3 Find your key message

So, you able to find out a potential marketplace and you’ve researched your targeted audience. What’s next?

I recommend that you pinpoint your keywords on and around which you want to run your search network-based ad campaigns, and ensure that this is weaved into your entire presentation in terms of text ad copies.

For example, let’s say you are running text ad-based campaigns on the Google search network for a video game production company, and you’ve been asked to generate leads for the latest video game that your client company is set to release.

Your target audience is active game players, so you probably wouldn’t mind going into detail about the game strategy, graphics, and playability in your ad copies.

In my opinion, your best key message, in this case, would be to focus on the target market and the USP of the game. Of course, you would still briefly introduce the game, but quickly get to the stats and projections that the target audience would be most interested in.

#4 Make your content engaging

What’s the best way to make your content appealing?

Tell a story.

That’s right. Scientific research has shown that the brains of people reading or listening to stories are more engaged and motivated than when they simply hear raw facts.

Storytelling is as ageless as the sun and never goes out of work.

When we were young kids, we loved to hear our parents read us bedtime stories. And when we got older, we unsurprisingly found pleasure in books, plays, and films.

In other words, stories help us to develop our imaginations, learn new things, and to enjoy the fairy-tale and secrets of the world.

When it comes to delivering attractive ad copies and effective landing pages, make sure you have plenty of relevant stories to tell - but in a concise manner.

#5 Provide solutions

If you want to inspire action, you must deliver solutions in your ads and then on landing pages for your users.

For example, you are running ads for a food supplement company. Your target audiences are sports team doctors and nutritionists. Your keyword theme is how to eat healthily.

Your potential consumers would be expecting lots of practical advice on how to change diets to improve health, energy levels, and endurance. As an advertiser, simply focusing on some actionable tips in your ads and portraying the same on landing pages would be extremely enticing.

Whatever is your strategy, look for ways to embed practical tips that the target audience can easily remember and adopt.

I’m often read online blogs on how to run Google ad campaigns effectively. Whenever I write blogs, I always ensure that I include plenty of ‘how-to’ tips, as I want my readers to not just hear my story - but to know how to create their own story too.

In this post, I’ve just covered five ways of sharpening your campaign management skills. To discover many more ways, I recommend you follow this blog.

Please try the above tips when you start your next Google Ads campaign - and let me know how you progress with it.

I’d love to hear your experiences, thoughts, and own stories.



Monday, April 27, 2020

Introduction to SETs, Part III

Hello all! Hope you all are safe and fight against ongoing pandemic with positivity.

In my previous posts Introduction to SETs, Part1 and Introduction to SETs, Part II, we talked about set theory and focused on explaining different aspects of it like, methods and application of set, types and formal definition of SETs, and many more with examples. As a continuity, my today's post is also on and around set theory to cover the area's that I couldn't in my previous post. Also, like the Part I, this edition also has a video, and I suggest, if someone missed my earlier post and/or video, please check so you can find today's post (Part III) even more relevant.

In this post I will cover,

In my previous post Introduction to SETs, Part I and Introduction to SETs, PartII, I have talked about the definition and types of sets, Hierarchy of SETs and Venn Diagrams. Now we will learn about some commonly used operations on sets. Those are,
  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Complement of a Set
  • Difference of Two Sets
  • Symmetric Difference of Two Sets


Let A and B be two sets then union of A and B is denoted by A ∪ B and is defined as
A ∪ B = {x: either x ∈ A or x ∈ B}

i.e. A ∪ B contains all the elements of A as well as of B.

                                                        Shaded region denoted A ∪ B

Let A be a set containing the footballers in Europe getting salary (in €) between 5 million to 10 million per year and another set B containing the footballers in Europe getting salary (in €) between 1 million to 7 million per year. For this example, if we are interested in finding those footballers who are getting the salary within the range 5- 10 or 1-7 then such footballers will be those having salary between 1 million and 10 million. The set of such footballers is nothing but the union of two sets A and B.

More Examples,

i. If A = {5}, B = {d, e, g}, then A ∪ B = {5, d, e, g}
ii. If A = {3, 5, 6}, B = {1, 2, 3, 5}, C = {1, 4, 6}, then A ∪ B ∪ C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


In intersection, let A and B two sets then intersection of A and B is denoted by A ∩ B and is defined as

A ∩ B = {x: x ∈ A and x ∈ B}

i.e. A ∩ B contains common elements of A and B.

                                                        Shaded region denotes A ∩ B

From the above example on footballers in Europe getting salary, if we are interested in finding those footballers who are getting the salary within the common range then such persons will be those having salary between 5 million to 7 million per year. The set of such footballers is nothing but the intersection of two sets A and B.

If A ∩ B = Ø then, the that two sets A and B are disjoint.


i. If A = {}, B = {1, 3, 9}, then A ∩ B = Ø
ii. If A = {45, 52, 31}, B = {5, 7, 9}, then A ∩ B = {} = Ø = empty set, as there is no common element in the two sets.
iii. If A = {b, d, f, h}, B = {a, b, c, e ,g}, then A ∩ B = {b}

Complement of a Set

Let U be the universal set, then complement of a set A (where A ⊆ U) is denoted by Ac or A or A’ and is defined as A’ = {x ∈ U: x ∉ A}

That is A’ contains those elements of U which are not in A, i.e. A’ contain all elements of U other than A.

                                            Shaded region denotes the complement of the set A i.e. A’

Suppose we have a set of persons of a locality having voting right. Then set of those persons of the locality who do not have voting right is its complement, if the set of all persons of that locality is considered as a universal set.


i. If U = {a, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, o, r, u} and A = {d, f, g, h, j, l, m, r}, then A’ = {a, e, i, o, u}, i.e. those elements of U which are not in A.

Difference of Two Sets

Let A and B be two sets then difference of A and B is denoted by A – B and is defined as
A - B = {x: x ∈ A but x∉ B}

                                             Shaded region denotes A – B

For examples,

i. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then A-B = { }
ii. If A = {a, b, c, d, e}, B = {d, e, f, g}, then A – B = {a, b, c}

Symmetric Difference of Two Sets

Let A and B be two sets, then symmetric difference of A and B is denoted by A △ B and is defined as
A △ B = (A - B) ∪ (B - A)

                                              Shaded region denotes A △ B

For example, if A = {a, b, c, d}, B = {c, d, e, f, g}
Then, A – B = {a, b} and B – A = {e, f, g}
\ A △ B = (A - B) ∪ (B - A) = {a, b} ∪ {e, f, g} = {a, b, e, f, g}


Hope you have gained some real knowledge from the article. Please note, this is the first, second, third and fourth video that I have created in a series on SETs. As promised you earlier, through this series, I have covered common yet interesting as well related topic on and around set theory. So watch this space for my next article and video on fundamental of mathematics. Till then keep sending me your questions and feedback so I can include those in my upcoming video and/or through my next blog post.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Introduction to SETs, Part II

Hello all! Hope you all are safe and fight against ongoing pandemic with positivity.

In my last post Introduction to SETs, Part1, we talked about set theory and focused on explaining different aspects of it like, methods and application of set, types and formal definition of SETs, and many more with examples. As a continuity, my today's post is also on and around set theory to cover the area's that I couldn't in my previous post. Also, like the Part I, this edition also has a video, and I suggest, if someone missed my earlier post and/or video, please check so you can find today's post (Part II) even more relevant.

In this post I will cover,


In Hierarchy of SETs we will learn on how different type of association is setup in case of sets. For say, any two real numbers a and b, this either a=b or a < b or a > b. Here we will consider the sets contained in some other sets and define them with their appropriate designations.

In Hierarchy of sets we will learn,
  • Subset
  • Proper Subset
  • Power set
  • Universal set

Let A and B two sets. Then A is said to be subset of B (or B is super set of A) if every element of A belongs to B and is denoted by A ⊆ B.

“A ⊆ B” read as A is contained in B or A is a subset of B. If we write it as “B ⊇ A” then we read it as B contains A and we call B is a super set of A.

Let take a simple real life example that, A be the set of all red colour pens and B be the set of all pens then obviously all red colour pens are pens first. That is all the members of the set A are members of set B, i.e. A is known as subset of B.

If we see there is at least one element in A (say) which is not in B (say), then set A will not be subset of set B. And it is denoted by A ⊄ B (read as A is not a subset of B).

For example,

i. If A = {1, 3, 6, 9}, B = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9}, then A ⊆ B
ii. If A = {a, b, c}, B = {a, c, d, e}, then A ⊄ B [∵ b ∈ A but b ∉ B ]

Proper Subset

Let take A and B be two sets. Then A is said to be proper subset of B if all the elements of A are in B and B has at least one element other than elements of A and is denoted by A ⊂ B.

For example, if A = {2, 4, 8, 16} and B = {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64},
then A ⊂ B [∵ all the elements of A are in B and B has two extra elements, i.e. 32 and 64]

i. Empty set is subset of every set, i.e. Ø ⊆ A for any set A
ii. Every set is a subset of itself, i.e. A ⊆ A for every set A

Power set

Let A be any set. Then set of all subsets of A is known as power set of A and is denoted by P (A).

Let take an example, if A = {a, b, c, s}, then write P (A).

P (A) = {Ø, {a}, {b}, {c}, {s}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {a, s}, {b, c}, {b, s}, {c, s}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, s}, {a, c, s}, {b, c, s}, {a, b, c, s}}
So, it has 24 = 16 elements.

i. If A has n elements then total number of subsets of A are 2n.

Universal set

A set U is said to be universal set if all the sets under study are subset of U.

Let define the above formal definition with one real life example. In any particular college there are 9 departments such as Applied Arts and Sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology. If U is the set of all faculties of this college and A1, A2, …, A9 are sets representing the faculties of 9 departments. Then, of course, faculties of all these 9 departments are faculties of this particular college. That is all the members of these 9 departments are present in the set U. Here U plays the role of universal set for the sets A1, A2, …, A9.

Let do solve a simple exercise. If A = {a, c, d, e, d, j}, B = {c, e, f, g, h}, C = {b, i, j}, D = {a, b, j}, then what will be the universal set?

Then universal set U = {a, b, c, d, e, d, g, h, i, j}


As we know that examples play an important role to understand the concepts of theory/definitions. Similarly a diagram speaks more than the words that we may use and they also make the ideas simple and easy to understand even for a fresh reader.

A Swiss mathematician was the first who took the step to represent the sets diagrammatically. Then John Venn a British mathematician, who moving a step ahead simplifying the ideas and made it more user friendly.

Notations used in Venn Diagrams

In Venn diagrams, sets are represented by enclosed areas in a plane as described below:
  • Universal set
  • Subsets
Universal set

Universal set U is represented by the interior of a rectangle as shown in below figure.


Subsets of U are described by the interior of circular discs within the rectangle, representing the universal set U.

When A and B has no common element, i.e. if A ∩ B = Ø

When A and B has some common elements. i.e. A ∩ B ≠ Ø. In general when nothing is mentioned about the common elements of A and B, the below presentation is used.

In the case when A ⊆ B

And when B ⊆ A

So, here I ramp up my both article on Set theory (Part I and Part II).

In next post I will cover,

Hope you have gained some real knowledge from the article. Please note, this is the second and third video that I have created in a series on SETs. As promised you earlier, through this series, I have covered common yet interesting as well related topic on and around set theory. So watch this space for my next article and video on SETs theory. Till then keep sending me your questions and feedback so I can include those in my upcoming video and/or through my next blog post.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What Should A Digital Marketer Know?

Schooling doesn't assure employment but skill does. Perfect your marketing skills!

Greetings, Friends -

For nearly 12 years, I am associated with the digital marketing industry and keep my knowledge up-to-date by following search marketers from around the world to learn performance-enhancing strategies, make contacts, and advance my career.

Because I do believe, the internet is not only for amusement, it also brings us to the professional training experience made by expert marketers for inexperienced marketers.

What do digital marketers need to know?

The aim for me is always to keep my mind open and ready to explore! Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) ads will always be my passion, as search engine marketing (SEM) will evolve further continually.

I often find excitement/challenge in every known Google algorithm update like the all-new areas of SEO for exploration and an exclusive feel of satisfaction when an unknown SEM technique work for me.

So, what should I learn first in digital marketing?

1. Basic SEO and PPC tactics

People are always searching for secret sauces - the result is a tactic-rich digital marketing plan that skips the basics, leaves potholes open, and gets deep into the nitty-gritty of search algorithms. People are more interested to know about nowadays -

  • Impact of nofollow, sponsored, and UGC links on SEO
  • Remarketing under GDPR
  • Impact of Google BERT And NLP on content
  • How to leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence?
  • How do I run programmatic ads?

Sure, all these are important but not at the expense of basics. If you cannot set up a website properly (in a way so that both users and search engines feel comfortable to browse), then it’s time for you to focus on SEO basics first. Similarly, if your Google ads get disapproved due to a reason like, destination unreachable, then forget about remarketing and focus on why your landing page is not returning 200OK to Google’s ad bots?

2. Technical SEO is important

I am from a non-technical background. But I love doing the technical SEO part. To me, technical SEO is one of the pillars of doing digital marketing smoothly.

That’s why I often spend hours on analysis of a website before launching any SEM campaign on it. It helps me track all the loopholes of the site made during development - many in coding format - that essential hider the SEO progress later. It’s the perfect time for SEOs like me to diagnose a website properly - make changes to the site with the help of developers to avoid any backlash down the line.

Things you need to be careful of -

  • Communicating with all the stakeholders, developers, and content writers in the early stages of a website development
  • Define accessibility requirements and UI design to ensure high standard UX
  • Apply SEO friendly markup inside the code
  • Setup analytics/tracking tools properly
  • Ensure that the website actually loads fast for everyone and is mobile friendly

3. Track communication and changes

Brainstorming and issue-fixing with fellow team members is a cornerstone of a marketing campaign’s success. These early discussions give you a greater opportunity to do your SEO and SEM work smoothly later.

Collaborative sessions with stakeholders in the early stages of the project will help you stay focus on the challenges you may face in search engine marketing later with moderated plans and roundtable discussions in an intimate setting.

Do not refrain to discuss real-life challenges you’re facing in your work, get seniors’ feedback if required, and build relationships with your clients that will last well beyond the project!

Things you need to consider -

  • Understand the business requirements and do keyword research
  • Identify complex errors with already developed website’s Infrastructure
  • Design your marketing workflow and share it with others for better collaboration
  • Enhance your SEO with advanced tactics
  • Start social media marketing 

How do you succeed as a digital marketer?

As a professional, your role is all about helping the user better understand your service or product - and helping Google provide better search results. This helping attitude will create an invaluable environment in the search engine marketplace.

Don’t aim for quick wins by fooling neither your consumers nor search engines like Google!

So, where do I start digital marketing?

1. Provide answers to the user’s specific questions

Digital marketing is your opportunity to answer highly-specific questions that are searching by your potential customers through SEO, SEM/PPC.

Google Analytics will help you find how satisfactorily you are providing answers to those questions. Do live Google Ads account audit. Do real-time SERP assessment to find what your competitors are doing? Analyzing Analytics data tailored to your business equation will give you deep insights into your marketing and advertising campaigns.

2. Develop community networking

Surfing the web and get to know fellow digital marketers is always beneficial. Learn from shared case studies while struggling during campaign management. Elevate casual social media browsing to guided, valuable conversations with influencers. Celebrate the achievements with your community to give back something valuable for others like you.

Growing your circle of contacts and forging new friendships will never be a waste!

3. Practice hard

Hungry for more? Do not wait always for approval. Go with the ideas you have. Choose your area for experiments carefully to -

  • Advance SEO knowledge
  • Mastering Google Ads
  • Develop hardcore technical SEO tactics & techniques
  • Progress on social media marketing
  • Leverage Google Tag Manager for better analysis
  • Advance CRO research for higher ROI

4. Be confident

Select the medium for doing digital marketing and advertising that suits your goals and budget. Follow these steps -

  • Get access to all historical data
  • Maximize your learning with the data available to you for a proper understanding of the business requirements
  • Identify the areas of concern and arrange them according to their merits
  • Chalk out a plan of action for removing all the obstacles to meet the set KPIs at the end of the campaign
  • Start execution and keep monitoring the performance

Good luck!


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Introduction to SETs, Part1

Welcome to my blog. In today’s post, we will talk about set theory. Well the theory is already cleared to many but this edition of my article is dedicated to those who wants to dig deep. I have created a video and embedded it here so you can understand better the concepts like, what is set, methods of set, application of sets and many more with simple examples. In addition to that, I also covered, types and hierarchy of sets, operations of sets, and Venn diagram which is pictorial representation of sets.

I have divided SET theory into three parts,
  1. Part 1 (this post)
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
Let’s begin –

In this post I will cover,
  1. Introduction to SETs
  2. Methods of representing a SET
  3. Types of SETs

Formal definition of SETs

A well-defined collection of distinct objects is called a set. A set is generally denoted by capital letters, such as A, B, C… etc. And the objects which belong to the set are known as elements or member of the set and are denoted by small letters x, y, z… etc.

If ‘a’ is an element of a set B then we write
a ∈ B (read it as ‘a’ belongs to B)

If ‘a’ is not an element of a set B then we write
a ∉ B (read it as ‘a’ doesn’t belong to B)

A set remains the same if some or all of its elements are repeated or rearranged. For example, if a set contains the elements 0, 1, -1 and another set contains the elements -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0; then these two sets are nothing but represent the same set having three elements 0, 1, -1. As we see repetition of elements in a set is not allowed, so once a set is defined, automatically number of elements contained by it has also become fixed.

Let see some basics examples

1. Collection of letters of the word “SETS” – It is a set and elements of this set are S, E, T

2. Collection of good footballers from Brazil – This collection does not form a set, because a given player may be good according to some person but the same player may not be good according to some other person.

Methods of representing a SET

A set is generally represented by two methods,
1. Roster method / Tabular form / Listing method
2. Set-Builder method / Property method / Rule method

1. Roster method

In this method each and every element is listed and put, separating by commas, in curly brackets.

For example,
i. If A is the set of vowels of English alphabets, then A = {a, e, i, o, u}
ii. If N is a set of Natural numbers, then N = {1, 2, 3, …}

Now, we will write the following set using by roster method,
C = {x: x2 – x – 30 = 0, x ∈ N}

C = {x: x2 – x – 30 = 0, x ∈ N}
= {x: x2 – 6x + 5x – 30 = 0, x ∈ N}
= {x: x(x - 6) + 5(x - 6) = 0, x ∈ N}
= {x: (x - 6) (x + 5) = 0, x ∈ N}
= {x: x = 6, -5, x ∈ N}
= {6} [∵ -5 ∉ N]

2. Set-Builder method

In this method we consider one or more properties that are exclusive to the elements of a set so that no other elements can be member of the set.

For example,

Let A = {x: x is a vowel of English alphabets}, then elements of A are a, e, i, o, u and having exclusive property of being a vowel no other alphabets can be considered as an element of set A.

(here “:” read as such that )

In some situations we have advantages of Set-Builder methods, like sometimes we cannot list the elements of the set or even if we can list them, it may not be practical or feasible to do so.

For example, consider the set {x: x is a real number and 1 < x < 9}. Because number of elements in this in this set is uncountable, so this set cannot be described by roster method.

Now, we will write the following set using by set-builder method,
E = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, …}

Here we see that elements in this set are multiple of 2 so in set-builder form it can be written as,
E = {x: x is a multiple of 2, x ∈ N}

Types of SETs

Different names given to a set on the bases of the number of elements contained by the set are,

1. Null set
2. Singleton set
3. Finite set
4. Cardinal number of a finite set
5. Infinite set
6. Equivalent sets
7. Equal sets

1. Null set

A set is said to be Null set (or empty or void), if it has no element in it. Null set is denoted by ∅ or {}

For example, consider the collection of those sons having their ages more than their respective fathers. Obviously this is not possible. So this is called Null set.

2. Singleton set

A set is said to be singleton set if it contains only one element. Consider the collection of mothers of a baby. Obviously a baby has only one mother. This type of collection having a single element is known as singleton set.

For example, A = {x: x is an even prime number} is a singleton set as there is only one even prime number, i.e. 2

3. Finite set

A set is said to be finite set if it is an empty set or it has a finite number of elements.

For example, A = {3, 7, 2, 9, 8} is a finite set because it contains 5 elements, i.e. finite number of elements.

4. Cardinal number of a finite set

The number of elements in a finite set says A is called its cardinality and is denoted by n(A).

For example, If A = {3, 7, 2, 9, 8} then n(A) = 5. i.e. cardinality of A is 5

5. Infinite set

The not finite set is said to be Infinite set. Infinite sets are either countable or uncountable.

For example, A = {3, 7, 2, 9, 8, …} is an infinite set.

6. Equivalent sets

Two finite sets A and B (say) are said to be equivalent if number of elements in both the sets are equal in numbers, i.e. n(A) = n(B) and we denote it by A ~ B (read as A is equivalent to B).

For example, if A = {x, y, z} and B = {8, 9, 10}, then

A ~ B [∵ n(A) = n(B) = 3]

7. Equal sets

Two sets A and B are said to be equal if every element of A is in B and every element of B is in A and is written as A = B.

For example, if A = {x, y, z, g} and B = {z, g, y, x}, then
A = B

• Here order of elements does not matter.

• If two sets A and B are not equal then we write A ≠ B.

In my next post on SET theory I will cover,

Hope you have enjoyed the video and reading the article. Well, this is the first video that I have created in a series on SETs. Through this series, I will cover many more interesting as well related topic like, hierarchy of sets, set operators, some useful and important laws applying on sets, and more on Venn diagram. So stay tuned for my next article. Till then keep sending me your queries if you have anything so I can cover those in my upcoming video and/or through my next blog post.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

7 Steps To Progress Your Communication

Hi Friends,

If you're searching for jobs then you may have noticed that all the job posters recently are emphasizing "good communication skills" in their requirement list.

Why is it important to improve communication skills?

Not long ago, due to poor communication skills, my company did sack me. Here I am not focusing on how fluent you are in English or any of your native language, but how skillfully you transmit your thoughts to others.

I was upset initially but with the support of my family, I overcome that challenging phase of my career and am now in a position where communication and collaboration are the keys to survival.

What I realized now, poor communication was not the reason why I lost my job. Anyways, that is a different story and I will let you know about that another day.

How does communication affect productivity?

Another thing that I understood is, for better productivity, most (if not all) employers expect fluent written and spoken skills in every profession now.

I am not saying clear communication is less or has no importance outside the profession. In fact, it is just the opposite. Communication is more essential in personal life than professional fields as I found.

Anyways, my today’s post is communication in a career so no more deviation.

Communication in the workplace:

If you want to progress in your profession, at your workplace, reach career success, then aside from technical knowledge, you should poses proper communication skills.

Here are my suggestions to you who know their communication needs improvement. Bear in mind, all these suggestions were tested on my life by me and certified by me. So apply at your own risk!

What are the steps to improve communication skills?

So what are they, and where do you begin?

First practice listening.

Develop strong observational skills to fully understand the message being conveyed.

Secondly, learn the art of non-verbal communication.

Body languages like posture, gestures, and eye movement are very crucial for transmitting positive energy from you to others.

Thirdly, be clear.

Choosing the right words to express a message that’s easy to understand is key.

Fourthly, be specific.

Using fewer, well-chosen words to convey your message precisely is key too.

Fifthly, be confident.

Transmitting the right message with the appropriate non-verbal communication technique is absolutely pivotal.

The sixth is, be respectful.

A friendly tone and a simple smile can do magic and help turn the odds in favor of you.

And lastly, be patient.

Being calm and collected when conveying your message to avoid unnecessary scenes - rather use your emotions intelligently in communication.

Build a solid impression with prospective employers by mastering the art of communication today!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Is Digital Marketing Job Stressful?

Is a digital marketing job stressful? Yes, it is. But, digital marketing can be stress-free if you love to do it and counter the challenges that come with it rationally.

I have seen many digital marketers who do almost nothing to sharpen their skills. I have asked many candidates the same question in job interviews - how to keep pace with ever-changing digital marketing trends? Not surprisingly, the majority said, "Read blogs, follow forum discussions, and do a search on Google, etc.".

Sure, all these are OK. However, I am not satisfied with their answers. No one talked about their hobbies, their activities outside the office work which keeps them alive.

Simply, I believe hobbies help amplify our experience and our enthusiasm in life - they keep us creative. And digital marketing is all about being innovative.

So if you are not engaged with any activity which has no direct connection with your digital marketing profession, I feel, it’s very difficult for you to be a true professional.

The equation is easy. Those who manage to build a hobby; means utilizes some skills in their lives, are happier, and eventually will become more productive and efficient in their digital marketing profession.

Look around and you will see, every digital marketing evangelist whose blog you used to read every day to learn more advanced theories of online marketing and advertising, have at least a hobby, and developed some skills that are helping them enhance their proficiency and productivity in their career.

10 activities that made me a smarter and happier digital marketer:

My latest hobby is cooking and I shake hands with many hobbies in the last 10-12 years. You could consider picking up any of these, or develop your own and live a happy life.

1. Cooking

Cooking is one of the most beneficial hobbies for me as it required a lot of focus on the processes at hand. It also forces me to plan ahead and gather the necessary ingredients before I start cooking. I often try out experiments by mixing two-three different cuisines to make a unique yet tasty dish.

In web marketing, the focus is important and planning is too. The more you think out of the box, the better you stabilize yourself in a dynamic internet marketing industry. So, see how my hobby is helping me not only live a happy life but also in my career indirectly.

Keep on reading and try relating each of the below hobbies with your career as you can.

2. Gardening

Gardening lends some wonderful perspective to my life and can help us unleash our caring side.

3. Writing

Writing is a very influential and significant outward appearance of inner expression and it helped me to streamline my randomized thoughts, dreams, and desires.

Writing helps unlock my creative side and helps my communication a lot as well which are essential for success in data-driven marketing.

4. Jogging

Jogging is one of the healthiest sports activities for me. It not only allows me to stay fit, is one of the easiest ways to meditate.

It helped me remove mental blocks by teaching how to push through pain and obstacle, which were prohibit me to finish my digital marketing projects on time.

5. Dancing

I am a horrible dancer. That’s fine though. I believe dancing is a fantastic way to stay healthy physically and mentally too.

Professional dancing forces us to follow rhythms, practiced movements, and we can use that as a template in our online marketing job for achieving something which well worth watching.

6. Yoga

Yoga is one of the proven productive activities as it helps us to meditate.

The more we gain the power of controlling emotional and spiritual wellbeing, the less we’ll be worried about unnecessarily which causes us productive less at work.

7. Reading

Reading is like writing, one of the world’s most trusted ways to find inner peace.

It helps me not only during my downtime but also in my "free time" in which I do nothing critical.

Reading to me is reading storybooks or any books that you may like in printed versions - the more traditional way.

Reading taught me how little I know, and accept my own limitations which are again very important for success in the interactive marketing world.

8. Swimming

Swimming is a relaxing and equally healthy way of exercising our full body and mind.

Swimming can help remove all fears, clear the mind for a more positive stroke and view, and make us feel more eager to work towards our goals (i.e., the KPIs set for our online marketing projects).

Experts have shown that regular swimming means many physiological and psychological health benefits, as to swim, your body’s every muscle has to work a little bit.

9. Trekking

You need not take long leaves from your work for enjoying your holidays anymore. I often enjoy a short city tour with my bicycle. Even sometimes, when returning back to my home from the office, I use to take different walking routes to reach my destination.

All you need an eye to see the beauty in everything that surrounds you and find excitement in whatever you are doing as a digital marketer. I cannot take leaves all the time due to many reasons, but no reason so far stopped me to take a break on weekends for a long walk alone or with my family/friends outside the city.

Regular breaks allow me to start afresh all the time especially on Mondays.

10. Dreaming

I love dreaming. It’s an activity that gave me benefits in terms of pursuing a lifestyle I am currently passing by.

I feel if you dream about the right thing at the right time, your dreams allow you to push your limits, explore thoughts that you never even considered - even ideas that might need little actions from your end.

And sleeping which is very close to dreaming is also a fantastic way to stay recharged. As many experts have recommended, a quick 20-minute nap during office time (preferably in the afternoon) can help provide precision and help make employees even more focused and productive with creative power.


So, again the same question - is a digital marketing job stressful? Because more than 2/3rd of digital marketers feel they're overloaded and undervalued. You too may have complained to your friends about how stressful your digital marketing job is. Burnout and work-related stress are very common among those in the digital marketing industry. However, it's worth mentioning that no job is stress-free. It’s your skill to keep the stress away professionally.

Every digital marketer gets a full bucket of stress. It comes in diverse forms, triggered by not the same causes. End-result is digital marketers often find it tough to bring success to online marketing and/or advertising campaigns in the form of generating traffic and drive conversion. Such stressful moments can lead to losing the job for digital marketers.

Let us know which is your secret way to become a smart stress-free marketer in this digital space? We all happy to learn from you and sharpen ourselves further.

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