Monday, September 24, 2018

E-commerce Business Basics: Respect Your Customer Now More Than Ever

Do What You Do So Well That They Will Want To See It Again And Bring Their Friends. ~ Walt Disney

Hi Ecommerce Business Strategists,

We are living in a smart age. Most of the shoppers are now take smart steps too. The way they use information, compare and make purchases has changed.

It’s imperative to stay impressive all the time as a seller or buyers will shop somewhere else.

According to a research report, 75% of customers hope for an unfailing familiarity anywhere they connect with your brand.

Another study claims, 50% of customers are likely to change brands if a business doesn’t think likely.

If you want to make your trade a sensation, there’s only one way: take a customer-first approach.

This may sounds cliché to you now but the real question is how? How to draw customers’ attention and feel satisfied?

  • Develop a durable relationship with them
  • Offer personalized service/solution
  • Pay equal attention to all

From my previous experience, I can tell you, you do not have to do special things, rather stick to the basics to make an impact on your potential customers. All you need to understand their pains and offer them a timely solution.

Bear in mind, if you keep your customers happy, then prospects can come to you again-n-again to do business with you.

So to convince a customer, first emulate their psychology. Then try to sell your service to them.

Just listen to them and realize what their actual problem is. And then present you as a solution provider.

Here are five common ways to make an impression on your customers and influence them to do business with you.

  • Do not show them your power by displaying ads wherever they are on social media
  • Do not send them every day or every alternate day emails full of offers
  • Do not treat first-time buyers and returning customers separately
  • Do not stop listening to what they are trying to say to you
  • Do not see them as ATM machine for you

Have a nice day.


Monday, September 17, 2018

How To Win Over Audience Through PPC Text Ads?

What is it that good ad managers have in common? And what is the secret to their huge success?

Hi PPC Enthusiasts!

Before I tell you the answers, I first want to let you know what poor campaign management looks like.

Forget what your current job profile is, you just like it, but you do not like your manager.

Not only s/he ever praises your work, but also depressed with his/her own role and overall with the company. On top of this, s/he is unsystematic, which often leads to chaos among the team.

In other words, despite putting in your best efforts, you’re trapped in a team that is performing poorly due to bad and useless management.

Here are some characteristics that you have found in your manager:

  • S/he do not trust anyone
  • S/he do not praise anyone for their work
  • S/he is arrogant and do not show respect to others
  • S/he never put goal-setting into practice
  • S/he only interested in self-promotion and pay package

So how do good managers set them apart from the bad and mediocre?

First of all, they are likable.

They’re able to effortlessly communicate with others. They are humble, optimistic, and with empathy. They are inspirational with beautiful hearts and logical minds.

They do not use fear to convince others to follow them.

Also, they have the ability to see the invisible and determination to achieve something which to others is impossible.

For example, without vision (a combination of imagination and creativity), Google cannot reach its current state with just a mere goal that a manager sets one day.

It’s the same with Apple or Microsoft. With hard-to-believe vision, they have started their journey, and today, just imagine where they are now?

What’s your vision while you are writing text ads?

Millions of advertisers are out there who are competing with each other to attract the audience through PPC text ads. Billions of dollars are spent on the Google Ads platform to maintain supremacy on market by companies. Now if you don’t have the vision, then you will end up spending too much on campaigns without much in return.

For best results, I recommend you, "think outside of the box" while creating text ads. As I explained in this post, you have to earn all the traits of a good manager to influence your audience on the web through ad copies. Your ad copies are the medium through which you are connecting with your potential customers.

If you want to boost your ad performance, then bring your audience’s vision inside the text copies – how they feel, how they see, how they react – every little thing. The more your ad copies are aligned psychologically with your audience, the more they tend towards you – your offers!

No matter how much you willing to spend, how stunning your landing page is, how lucrative your keywords are, without a proper ad (powered by vision), you remain invisible.

So here are three more quick tips to start writing better ad copies:

  • Make viewers feel welcome
  • Write with purpose
  • Pay attention to little things

It’s over to you now.

Understand the true value of the tips in this blog article and take action accordingly, and let all others know the results you achieve!



Monday, September 10, 2018

10 Questions To Ask In Your Next Client Meeting (Preferably First) To Avoid SEO Project Disaster

If you are reading this, possibly you are preparing yourself for a brand new SEO project. Good for you! You deserve to start as organized as possible.

You certainly do not want to take any uninformed decision and work without any objective. As you’re managing the project, make sure you ask these 10 crucial questions to get to the bottom of the client’s expectations from you.

If the meeting is direct with your client:

1. How would you measure the success of the project? Whatever they say take a note and make sure you genuinely can deliver what s/he is looking for.

2. How do you like to give your feedback/comment/approval when required? Make sure s/he not only does give feedback on time as and when required but also happily connect to develop a mutual care and concern. This in return not only helps make your job easier (less oversight needed) but also helps you understand the client’s mind.

3. What’s the process for reviewing and evaluating progress? Related to the one above: is there a proper review cycle in place? Does it seem like the client often evaluates resource performance? And, do they mind helping hired resources achieve project goals?

4. How long has your current team been in place and why replacing them? Check for any signs of unhappiness or conflict. Are there legitimate reasons?

5. How would you like to receive progress reports? This is a self-awareness check for you and your team. You should prove to him/her that reports are properly managed and everything is transparent.

6. Who are your business role models? Asking about competitors is quite common and expected. Ask why they chose this industry – this gives you an idea of what they value and want to try to be like.

7. How do you celebrate success? This is a great way to transmit a sense of how confident you are to bring success with modesty and value work-life balance.

If the meeting with someone who knows the client:

8. What’s his/her style of work? Do s/he supportive or a micromanager? Chase unrealistic goals or value work ethics?

9. What’s your experience working with him/her? Watch out for the response. Take note. Any additional information about the client’s nature and business will give you an edge later.

10. How about the teamwork culture? Many people still think, hiring an agency means they are obliged to work for money. In reality, how your client is involved in your work culture or vice versa, will define the project’s future largely.

Two other points keep in your mind -

One is timing - do not offend by your questions if the client seems disgusted. Always wait for the right time to ask the right questions to the right people.

And the other is your own SEO principles and ethics. To win the client’s confidence, do not promise anything which is beyond your capacity.

So, before you enter any client meeting, make sure you did your best to gather information about the client and project so you can ask genuine questions only.

Finally, if you do sense something going against your will during your meeting with a client, consider reaching out to superiors in your department who have more experience and request their honest opinion.

No matter if it feels awkward or not, since you are the project manager, so the more you know, the more informed your decision will be.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Master Plan for Taking Back Control of Your PPC Campaigns

Here is the problem of my life – I know as a PPC campaign manager, nearly every Google or Bing ad campaigns that generates positive ROI consistently requires determination, thoughtfulness, and even some embarrassment along the way. However, I like to avoid discomfort (and who not!).

When I was new in PPC work, I used to let myself exposed to more discomforts than ever. The world of knowledge is literally at my fingertips, a few keystrokes away to explore the secrets of successful PPC ad campaigns. Every campaign was largely under my control.

However, after some successful years of work, I started putting off the hard work. Settled for the easy way out. In addition, one fine morning, I discovered myself in a position where every PPC campaigns are out of my control.

What went wrong? I discovered a few things later that are some most essential traits in any successful campaign manager. It is not how technically sound you are, it is how you approach as the running ad campaigns are not less than any psychological game now.

1. Take more actions repeatedly

Because the updates Google and Bing bring to us very quickly, our best defense is to create a precise list of actions that you need to perform repeatedly after a specific time, so it becomes habit.

2. Take yourself out of comfort zone

Avoid doing things that are not challenging and make you or your work proud when done.

3. Don’t react unnecessarily

Take actions from instant gratification or impulse decisions will cause more harm than good in long run. In most circumstances, managing a campaign profitably need reflect before you react.

4. Do the essential thing first

Regular maintenance or check-up of old campaigns are as much essential as developing new. So prioritize important work and divide your time to make yourself aligned with proper campaign management every day.

5. Do not over do (read over optimize) anything

Sometime over enthusiasm kills us. The best practice is not just to have a precise goal, but also to find out the best route for reaching the target on time.

6. Do one thing at a time

With so many things to manage and do relentlessly – moving between tasks may create conflicts. But practice help you focus on each tasks according to their individual merit and complete without compromising much even when you shift attention from one to another.

7. Divide the whole in parts

Try to work in sprints. Managing a complex PPC campaign is not an easy job. As a manager you have to watch a lot of things simultaneously. So it is always a good idea, divide your bigger objective behind running PPC ads into small milestones for better and clear measurement of the progress. By doing so, you can find the loopholes too easily and correct them if required.

8. Food

Eat healthy foods always. Unfortunately, this is true for many that if your body do not get sufficient energy; forget about managing an enduring source of energy and therefore your work.

9. Sleep

Like body, your mind also need proper rest, if you are not at your best psychologically, feel sleepy or tired every time, you just cannot run your campaign with out of the box ideas.

10. Exercise

To meet #8 and #9, doing regular work-out is the best way. The more you stay fit, the better you manage everything. It’s as simple as it is.

Lastly, above all, it’s your values which will help you especially when the going gets tough, and avoid the temptation of taking easy route. If you are clear about your goal in any given situation, with proper dignity, sooner or later you will reach your destination.

What About You?

How do you stay focused and motivated in managing PPC ad campaigns?

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