Tuesday, September 29, 2020

8 Daily Habits That Are Drastically Improving My Facebook Ads Campaign

These habits will help you in the Facebook Ads campaign setup, run, and optimize better.

Very often, what stands in between success and you is you - your attitude, your habits, your actions, and your beliefs.

Here are the 8 daily habits - they’ve drastically improved the performance of my Facebook Ads campaign - they’ve made my campaigns more productive and increased my ROI.

1. Putting my smartphone on airplane mode before sleep

I feel good to wake up with zero notifications, zero alerts, and zero messages.

Checking your campaigns from the phone first thing after waking up increases your stress levels and hinder your brain for creativity. More importantly, it automatically sets you in a reactive state instead of a proactive one - you give away your peace to your reactions to campaign alerts. Your brain becomes overwhelmed with information.

Putting my phone on airplane mode ended this vicious cycle. I now wake up stress-free, distraction-free, and stay always energetic to manage my ad campaigns.

2. Meditating every day

I’ve been building the habit of starting my morning with a mediation session and I’ve noticed a considerable difference in my thought process.

It helps me find calm and clarity while also allowing me to think critically on campaign optimization tasks.

3. Do exercise every morning

Doing exercise makes me more flexible now.

With some stretching and meditation, through daily exercise, I begin my day mentally focused and emotionally calm which helps me accept the usual ups-n-downs of campaign performance.

4. Performing appreciativeness

Every day before sign-off, I check my ad account and ask myself: “What have I achieved today?” And then I map it to campaign KPIs.

That’s it. And this habit helps me go to bed in a much more positive state.

You can look back over the week and find a lot of small steps you took to improve the ad campaigns’ performance and were glad. That’s called self-appreciation, and isn’t it worth being cheerful for?

5. Writing every day

Writing has given me more clarity. I wrote down my campaign’s goals to reflect on their progress periodically.

This, in turn, makes me more aware of my situations and clearer of what I need to excel in my ad campaign’s performance.

Writing also helps me stay aligned with concepts and ideas; I can never forget to try new things when writing them down.

I’ve become a more productive, self-aware, and disciplined ad campaign manager because of the habit of taking notes on important observations related to my campaigns.

6. Practicing consistency

Whatever it is you want to achieve through running ad campaigns, there’s only one thing that will get you there: consistency.

Consistency transformed my thinking about building better campaigns to achieve my goals. The campaign analytics tool is the act of tracking your campaign performance so you can measure your progress as you work toward conversions and ROI.

Define a list of KPIs you want to track for a campaign. Around that, set an actionable plan. Then split the entire plan into smaller modules to make it simpler. Here your goal is to not break the chain of modules - so that you can meet KPIs on time. For all these, you need dedication - and dedication comes with consistency. Just keep moving forward.

7. No more chasing ROI blindly

I used to chase ROI. I set unrealistic campaign goals, I pushed myself too hard, and eventually, I easily become fatigued. And ultimately, my ad campaigns fail to deliver.

That’s when I decided this:

I will stop chasing ROI blindly, and I will make sure to do everything step-by-step to generate ROI. Progressing gradually means analyzing your campaign properly and giving adequate time to every optimization method it deserves. It means you are not afraid to make any changes to your campaign settings. It means not over-optimizing the campaigns for the sake of quick ROI. It means taking a systematic approach to reach a level of optimization backed by proper campaign data analysis.

Sure, ROI is important but the point I want to establish here is, focus on progress, not on the end result. Progress (no matter how little it is) means actively working towards your goals, one small step at a time. Steady progress means you are managing the campaigns without self-inflicted pressure.

8. Practicing innovation

Reading expands our minds and boosts our creative imagination. That’s why I turn to an article online.

The idea is simple: There’s a wealth of knowledge out there and the more relevant input I consume, the more output I can produce, so I do my best to read every day and learn something new – and then apply it in my ad campaigns optimally.

If you search on the web for tips on Facebook Ads campaign optimization or get the best results on Facebook Ads, you will see many resources available to explore. You will get some fantastic hacks like -

  • Optimize your Facebook Ads' likes and shares
  • Use the FTO (fast take off - Facebook's Accelerated Delivery option) method
  • Optimize your ad schedule
  • Utilize image rotation optimally in ads
  • Optimize your ad placement
  • Always A/B test your ideas
  • Test highly distinguished variants
  • Select the right campaign objective and many more..

- to optimize an advertising campaign. Sure, these are all fine. But I decided to cover some points that are unconventional yet essential for optimizing paid social campaigns. I have applied all these habits/tips/techniques in my own life and observed tremendous growth in the performance of my Facebook Ads campaigns. The reason is simple, to optimize your campaigns, first learn to optimize your body and mind.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

5 Habits of Highly Dependable Account Managers

Sharing some easy-to-follow steps to create meaningful changes in your relationship with clients.

If you want to be more dependable in eyes of your clients, where is the best place to start?

To me, the answer is pretty clear: confidence.

It’s what separates the reliable from the rest. It’s that inner feeling of motivation that enables you to face any challenges.

Confidence is a universal characteristic that (almost) any client is keen to find in you.

So how can you become more dependable? Read below.

I. More gentleness, less judgment.

If you want to be more reliable, you must first start by relying on others. Every single person on the planet has their flaws & limitations. So if you can accept them, others reciprocate.

When you develop the ability to understand the rationale behind the client’s annoyance, it allows you to empathize with their circumstances to create common ground.

II. Ask great questions.

The reality is that people love talking about themselves. So listen, take mental notes of what clients say during the conversations, and ask more about their favorite topics. You’ll be surprised at how positively people react when it becomes clear you’re sincerely listening to what they have to say.

III. Greet them by their preferred name.

When you are in a client meeting, don’t be shy to say their first name several times during a conversation. Even if it’s just during the initial greeting, we can make others feel much respected when saying their name instead of Sir/Ma’am, etc.

IV. Create a great first impression.

Most people decide if they like you within the first few minutes of meeting you. So act accordingly.

We all know somebody who doesn’t feel confident inside, often loses eye contact while talking, and wants to escape from the discussion. As a result, they make an awful first impression on those they meet.

Making a lasting impression is basic to your trustworthiness. So look in the eye of your client, give a firm handshake, and show positive body language to ensure that client wants to see you again.

V. Smile more.

People tend to be friendlier if you choose to match the positive body language of the other person. So if you lightly smile during a conversation with the client while making eye contact, it creates a level of social intimacy and bonding.

If you check minutely, these five habits are influential and interconnected with each other. I have written this post based on my days in agencies.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Introduction to Statistics - Measurement scales and statistical tools

As we know every subject has its origin, development stages, scope, uses and limitations. In “Introduction to Statistics”, we will discuss origin and development, definition, scope, uses and limitations of statistics. In our daily life we are using statistics knowingly or unknowingly, because
  1. Most of the decisions taken by us being are based on past experience
  2. Future events are also predicted by using the past behavior of that particular event
Statistics is a branch of science which deals with collection, classification, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data.


In Statistics, act of counting and measurement is divided into 4 levels of measurement scales known as
  1. Nominal Scale
  2. Ordinal Scale
  3. Interval Scale
  4. Ratio Scale
1. Nominal Scale
Under Nominal Scale we divide the objects under study into two or more categories by giving them unique names. Nominal scale is used when we want to categories the data based on the characteristics such as gender, race, region, religion, etc.

Example, (i) Classification into different categories based on gender
(ii) Classification into different categories based on Meal
(iii) Classification into different countries based on Continents

2. Ordinal Scale
As we already know order does not make any sense in nominal scale. So if in a measurement scale orders also make sense then, this scale comes under Ordinal scale. It is used when we want to measure the attitude scores towards the level of liking, satisfaction, preference, etc. 

Example, based on economic condition of a family, generally families of a society are divided into three categories: Higher class family > Middle class family > Lower class family. But the actual difference cannot be measured, as we can only give order/rank. 

3. Interval Scale
In interval scale actual differences can be found. Say, if I = [12, 18], then length of this interval (here we are using the concept of interval) is 18-12 = 6, i.e. difference between 12 and 18 is 6, i.e. we can find the difference between any two points of the interval. Interval scale includes +, - in addition to >, < and =, .

From above three definitions we have learned,
  • Nominal scale gives only names to the different categories
  • Ordinal scale moving one step further and provides the concept of order between the categories also
  • Interval scale moving one step ahead to ordinal scale and also provides the characteristics of the difference between any two categories
4. Ratio Scale
Ratio scale is the highest level of measurement because other than names, orders and characteristics of difference; ratio scale also provides natural zero (absolute zero). In ratio measurement scale values of characteristics cannot be negative.

Ratio scale is used when we want to measure weight, height, length, age, mass, time, etc. Ratio scale includes x, ÷ in addition to +, -, >, <, =,  . 

One of the advantages of measurement scale is that these help us to decide which statistical tool should be used in a given situation.

Based on information provided by measurement scales, their levels from lowest to highest are nominal, ordinal, ratio and interval

That is why all the Statistical tools applicable on the lower scale will automatically be applicable on the next level. It is understood that statistical tools which are permissible for nominal will be permissible in case of ordinal and so on. Advantages of measurement scale are that these help us to decide which statistical tool should be used in a given situation.

Mode, chi-square test and run test
Here counting is only permissible operation
Median all positional averages like quartile, Decile, percentile, rank correlation
Here other than counting, order relation (less than or greater than) also exists
Mean, SD, t-test, f-test, ANOVA, sample multiple and moment correlations, regression
Here counting, order and difference operations hold
Geometric mean (GM), Harmonic mean (HM), Coefficient of variation
Here counting, order, difference and natural zero exist
Permissible Statistical Tools

For my next blog post, we will discuss on different types of data.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

9 Tips To Recover Your PPC Campaign Performance In 2020

With 2020 bringing so many ups and downs how do you safeguard your PPC campaign performance? 

Tips to do PPC advertising successfully

Over the past few months, PPC or pay-per-click advertising has lost some ground due to the COVID-19 outbreak but now out to become again a promising online advertising solution for businesses of all types.

In the digital era, PPC advertising has a substantial impact on the success of a business that grows online. Not only PPC ads improve your leads, but they also increase sales. Even Google confirms that PPC can boost brand awareness by 80%.

If you’re the PPC campaign manager of an organization, but not getting enough success out of your advertising effort, this post is for you.

I am sharing a few actionable tips that will considerably improve the performance of your campaigns, but first, let’s quickly understand what precisely PPC ad is. If you already know, you can skip this section.

Unlike most online advertising methods, PPC is well-known to provide better control over your advertising costs as it enables you to analyze your ad clicks in real-time.

Nine advice to boost your PPC campaign performance -

1. Have a clear goal

Until you have a clear and measurable goal, you can’t optimize your PPC campaign properly. Remember, your goal is the foundation of your optimization process. If you don’t have an accurate road map to follow, you won’t reach your target. Firstly, you need to decide what you want to achieve from your paid search ads. Depending on your business requirements, your goal could be:

  • Getting traffic to your website
  • Getting leads
  • Improving sales

Always set clear and realistic goals. They should encourage your entire team to work toward the completion of your company’s goals.

2. Use the right keyword

In any PPC campaign, it is critical to select the right keywords. Although Google provides you a tool (Keyword Planner) to create a keyword list based on your set criteria, to ensure the success of your campaign, you must choose the keywords that have a high potential, which means typically high searches with moderate or low competition.

Check the success probability of keywords before including them in your ad copy. Choose the ones with supreme potentiality.

If your target audience resides in a different geographical location, it is advisable to figure out which keywords have maximum search possibilities in their region. Choose keywords wisely as not all will be beneficial in terms of quality output. You may need to use more than one tool if you want to invest in keywords with more confidence.

3. Optimize the value of keyword (keyword score)

One of the primary reasons most PPC campaigns tumble is, they have too many keywords. So, avoid keyword congestion. Instead, your aim should be to improve each finalized keyword’s quality score. Three of the primary factors that define the quality of your keywords include:

  • The relevancy of your keywords to your ad copy
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • The relevancy of your keywords to your landing page

Here are some guidelines to improve the quality score of your keywords -

  • First of all, check out whether or not your ad copy is properly aligned with the search objective of your selected keyword. You should focus on crafting headlines that are relevant and can hit the pain points of your targeted viewers.
  • Figure out the number of clicks your every keyword receives. Keywords with high CTR will cost you less, help you generate quality traffic, which can improve your conversion rate.
  • You can use DTR (Dynamic text replacement) and Dynamic Ads features to match your ad’s copy with searched keywords and with the content of your landing page. It will help you show personalized content to your targeted audience for each ad.

4. Build a list of negative keywords

Negative keywords can save your campaign budget to a great extent as it prevents your ads from being triggered by inappropriate searches. These keywords help you avoid junk traffic hitting your account. For example, if you deal with iPhone only, but your ads are being displayed for searches like iPod, iWatch, and iPad too, then you can add those keywords into your negative keyword list.

5. Create an engaging ad copy

Ad copy plays a major role in shaping the success of your campaign. So, put some serious efforts into constructing engaging ads.

Check out some quick instructions to craft exceptional PPC ads:

  • Due to space limitations, you need to use each character in your ad very smartly; as writing convincing ad copy while adhering to all the restrictions is an art. Your ad copy should clearly state your USP and reveal why people should choose you over your competitors
  • Try to be as relevant as possible. As mentioned above, match all your ads with their pertinent landing pages and keywords respectively
  • Make eye-catching headlines
  • Don’t overlook adding a compelling call-to-action
  • Consider using power words such as Instant, Hurry, Exclusive, Free, Now, and more to trigger a psychological or emotional reaction from viewers

6. Utilize retargeting

A high bounce rate is a common thing in PPC advertising. Well, retargeting and remarketing is an ideal way to capture those bounced visitors if you are considered those as missed opportunities. You can use it re-capture the attention of prospects who are still in the awareness or consideration phase. Retargeting enables you to show targeted ads to shoppers who have already viewed your products or services (or visited the landing page). There are several ways you can boost the performance of retargeting to increase your conversion rate and return on investment. For example, you can try out -

  • Different behavioral retargeting
  • Lead magnets
  • Work with famous influencers in your specific niche
  • Re-engage people with abandoned shopping carts
  • Up-sell or cross-sell to existing consumers
  • Showcase different product categories and more

7. Utilize ad extensions

Add extensions to the ads are an ideal way to unveil added information about your product or service. There are two types of ad extensions:

  • Manual Ad extensions
  • Automatic Ad extensions

A manual ad extension is a customizable addition that further has many extension types such as site link, location, call, review, call out, etc. In contrast, automatic ad extension works automatically. Similar to manual ad extension, it also has quite a few types such as customer rating, the previous visit, dynamic site link, and more.

8. Run mobile-optimized campaigns

Today, when around half of the global population uses a smartphone, you can’t overlook mobile devices when creating your PPC campaign. Make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly so that you can get the optimum benefit out of your campaign. Give more attention to campaign analytics data as behaviors of mobile users are distinct and they do not surf the web like traditional searchers. For example, mobile users do not type much and instead tend to use the voice search feature. You should also select keywords accordingly. You may also look for ways to reduce form size on your landing pages rationally in order to reduce typing for mobile users.

9. Keep track of campaign performance

To ensure the profitability of your campaign, you need to monitor it regularly. Some PPC account managers don’t invest adequate time to analyze their campaigns, which is another basic reason some PPC campaigns fail.

Don’t ignore the importance of systematic monitoring as it will help you gain valuable actionable insights to increase the performance of your campaign. If you’re using Google Ads, Google Analytics and Search Console should be convenient tools for you.

However, if you want to improve its effectiveness, you can invest in an automated solution that is capable of offering real-time reporting. If you can automate your Google Ads reporting, you can quickly find out critical information that you can use to optimize advertising strategies and enhance the performance of the PPC campaign. You can create some custom alerts for you inside Google Analytics so even the slightest change in your campaign’s performance gets your attention automatically and almost instantaneously.

No matter what the shape and size of your business are, PPC advertising can help you gain greater visibility on the web and boost conversion from online channels. However, to ensure your campaign is functioning as per the plan, you need to follow specific steps. In this post, we made you acquainted with knowledgeable information that will surely take your marketing campaign to the next level.

Share your views and questions in the comments below.

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