Tuesday, April 7, 2020

7 Steps To Progress Your Communication

Hi Friends,

If you're searching for jobs then you may have noticed that all the job posters recently are emphasizing "good communication skills" in their requirement list.

Why is it important to improve communication skills?

Not long ago, due to poor communication skills, my company did sack me. Here I am not focusing on how fluent you are in English or any of your native language, but how skillfully you transmit your thoughts to others.

I was upset initially but with the support of my family, I overcome that challenging phase of my career and am now in a position where communication and collaboration are the keys to survival.

What I realized now, poor communication was not the reason why I lost my job. Anyways, that is a different story and I will let you know about that another day.

How does communication affect productivity?

Another thing that I understood is, for better productivity, most (if not all) employers expect fluent written and spoken skills in every profession now.

I am not saying clear communication is less or has no importance outside the profession. In fact, it is just the opposite. Communication is more essential in personal life than professional fields as I found.

Anyways, my today’s post is communication in a career so no more deviation.

Communication in the workplace:

If you want to progress in your profession, at your workplace, reach career success, then aside from technical knowledge, you should poses proper communication skills.

Here are my suggestions to you who know their communication needs improvement. Bear in mind, all these suggestions were tested on my life by me and certified by me. So apply at your own risk!

What are the steps to improve communication skills?

So what are they, and where do you begin?

First practice listening.

Develop strong observational skills to fully understand the message being conveyed.

Secondly, learn the art of non-verbal communication.

Body languages like posture, gestures, and eye movement are very crucial for transmitting positive energy from you to others.

Thirdly, be clear.

Choosing the right words to express a message that’s easy to understand is key.

Fourthly, be specific.

Using fewer, well-chosen words to convey your message precisely is key too.

Fifthly, be confident.

Transmitting the right message with the appropriate non-verbal communication technique is absolutely pivotal.

The sixth is, be respectful.

A friendly tone and a simple smile can do magic and help turn the odds in favor of you.

And lastly, be patient.

Being calm and collected when conveying your message to avoid unnecessary scenes - rather use your emotions intelligently in communication.

Build a solid impression with prospective employers by mastering the art of communication today!

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