Whether you are managing Google ads for your clients, running ads on your own for your own business, or work as a PPC consultant, generating positive ROI will be at the heart of everything you do. In fact, almost every job in the digital marketing and advertising world relies on ROI, whether these are through generating leads, sales, or both.
So let me ask you a question: “Are you happy with your campaigns’ performance?”
If you’ve answered yes, then this post is not for you. But, if you’ve answered no (or maybe), then please read on to discover my five tips for managing Google Ads campaigns effectively that magnitudes the performance of your ad campaigns.
#1 Select a promising market
If you have to run campaigns on behalf of yourself or your company, then make sure that you choose the best possible market.
For example, imagine for a moment that your Analytics data is telling that, leads that are coming through a nationwide ad campaign converting from a couple of specific regions at an impressive rate. Two of the company’s regional salespeople are also confirming the same, and your customer support service team is supporting the fact too. So what typical call you will take, and how you are boosting sales for the company?
The crucial thing here would be to focus on what you know best - either focus more on regional (high converting regions) campaigns with custom messaging or figure out whether the demand exists for your product/service nationwide at all or not?
This is the minimum action that you should naturally feel comfortable executing and confident to analyze further to see the actual impact on ROI with your best possible conversion data. It would also be easy for you to do business in those marketplaces where you have a large number of potential customers with relatively less competition. The goal is to find a market where you can, not only win customers but offer something special so that they stay with you and upgraded their contracts.
#2 Know your audience
Sticking with the example above, clearly, you’d want to keep in mind at all times that these particular regional visitors will be most interested in the product/service you are offering.
There’s no point showcasing lots of features about your product/service to them (your potential consumers) through your ad copies or associated landing pages of it again and again. They won’t be interested in this. They primarily want to hear about how many satisfied customers you’ve signed, retained, or upgraded. And how you provide solutions to your customer’s problems and what are new things you are bringing in for them!
It’s critical that you understand your audience and what they are wanting to see/read/hear. If you fail to deliver the right information to them through your ad copies and landing pages respectively - you’ll leave your audience cold and unimpressed. As a result, the churn rate will increase and will impact campaigns’ ROI adversely.
#3 Find your key message
So, you able to find out a potential marketplace and you’ve researched your targeted audience. What’s next?
I recommend that you pinpoint your keywords on and around which you want to run your search network-based ad campaigns, and ensure that this is weaved into your entire presentation in terms of text ad copies.
For example, let’s say you are running text ad-based campaigns on the Google search network for a video game production company, and you’ve been asked to generate leads for the latest video game that your client company is set to release.
Your target audience is active game players, so you probably wouldn’t mind going into detail about the game strategy, graphics, and playability in your ad copies.
In my opinion, your best key message, in this case, would be to focus on the target market and the USP of the game. Of course, you would still briefly introduce the game, but quickly get to the stats and projections that the target audience would be most interested in.
#4 Make your content engaging
What’s the best way to make your content appealing?
Tell a story.
That’s right. Scientific research has shown that the brains of people reading or listening to stories are more engaged and motivated than when they simply hear raw facts.
Storytelling is as ageless as the sun and never goes out of work.
When we were young kids, we loved to hear our parents read us bedtime stories. And when we got older, we unsurprisingly found pleasure in books, plays, and films.
In other words, stories help us to develop our imaginations, learn new things, and to enjoy the fairy-tale and secrets of the world.
When it comes to delivering attractive ad copies and effective landing pages, make sure you have plenty of relevant stories to tell - but in a concise manner.
#5 Provide solutions
If you want to inspire action, you must deliver solutions in your ads and then on landing pages for your users.
For example, you are running ads for a food supplement company. Your target audiences are sports team doctors and nutritionists. Your keyword theme is how to eat healthily.
Your potential consumers would be expecting lots of practical advice on how to change diets to improve health, energy levels, and endurance. As an advertiser, simply focusing on some actionable tips in your ads and portraying the same on landing pages would be extremely enticing.
Whatever is your strategy, look for ways to embed practical tips that the target audience can easily remember and adopt.
I’m often read online blogs on how to run Google ad campaigns effectively. Whenever I write blogs, I always ensure that I include plenty of ‘how-to’ tips, as I want my readers to not just hear my story - but to know how to create their own story too.
In this post, I’ve just covered five ways of sharpening your campaign management skills. To discover many more ways, I recommend you follow this blog.
Please try the above tips when you start your next Google Ads campaign - and let me know how you progress with it.
I’d love to hear your experiences, thoughts, and own stories.