Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The 5 Steps To Digital Awareness

Digital marketing isn’t usually regarded as necessary for many businesses until the COVID-19 outbreak.

It’s mostly considered as an optional way of how you ought to be more successfully run the business. Thus it might seem like digital marketing isn’t really a necessity - rather just a choice.

The reason is the lack of digital awareness.

I think there is some common confusion about digital marketing’s omnipotence. These thoughts are pervasive, looming again and again. Even in the year 2020, their dominance still hinders progress.

In today’s post, we talk about how to build digital awareness in steps so all the entrepreneurs who still hesitate can go for digital marketing services with confidence.

The 5 steps to digital awareness

A checklist for starting your journey to opt for digital marketing service without any doubt.

1. Habits

Nearly all forms of self-awareness first require that you change your habit.

Habits, then, start forming your behavior.

For example, to get fit you need to have a habit of eating well and exercising. To get rich you need a habit of saving and investing. To expand your business you need to find new ways of communication with your potential customers; you need to penetrate deep into where they are.

I am not against any other form of marketing, but if your customers prefer online mediums, build marketing habits central to that theory, to serve them better. You wonder when you will see how the timely and contextually right digital marketing campaigns have impacts on business ROI.

2. Goal-setting

How can you trust a method if you don’t measure the outcome from it? Goal-setting not only help you decide what to do but also planning how to do it. It’s a common misconception, digital marketing is more about qualitative and less quantitative.

A good heuristic for goal-setting is that they should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) which is absolutely feasible in digital marketing.

3. Systems

Systems implements structure in behavior. Any process is one type of system - in this case, aimed at helping you get work done by organizing the things that generate ROI.

The opposite of systems is a haphazard approach. Systems often encourage you to create and follow explicit rules or guidelines.

Digital marketing is also a system and is often built on applied productivity plans.

Digital marketing is spontaneous, intuitive, and creative with a touch of the emotional approach to generate ROI. Nonetheless, understanding systems, even if you choose to apply them selectively, is a core concept of digital awareness.

4. Learning

Learning here means studying new opportunities and gaining knowledge from experience, and get better at anything.

Learning is a core concept of digital awareness.

Learning is an important tool simply because it pours knowledge into your system that means you can understand which is a better way to reach the goals, even if others don’t.

5. Thoughts & Beliefs

Thoughts and beliefs are much mental than verbal, but our digital awareness is dependent heavily on both and act as an instrument for achieving things.

Regardless of the origin of thoughts and beliefs, they influence the degree of digital awareness for multiple reasons.

Since your thoughts and beliefs have a heavy impact on your behavior, and thus on your results, you may stay within a self-imposed mental boundary.

Thoughts and beliefs try to control our emotions by overpowering the rational mental state inside us as well.

The transformation of thoughts and beliefs is depending on how soon you want to get yourself out from comfort zone. Regardless of where you sit in this spectrum, the content of our thoughts and beliefs is central to true digital awareness.

To successfully employ any system, you have to keep faith in it by centering your thoughts and beliefs on it. Similarly, if your thoughts and beliefs powered by learning tell you to go for digital marketing, restricting yourself with lame excuses will hurt your business’s growth only. Or in fact, you haven’t learned. Else, you should have approach digital marketing differently.

Which step did I miss?

There certainly are other concepts in blossoming digital awareness inside you. I’ve skipped some here. Because though are important but didn’t seem as universal so I excluded them. If you have your own thought on digital awareness, please share them in the comments!

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