Monday, April 3, 2023

Has Doubt Stopped Your PPC Marketing Progress?

How many times you have considered quitting, or faced questions yourself from those around you?

In my case, countless times.

Some of my popular most thoughts:

"I doubt I could convince so-and-so to something."
"I don't think I could do that."
"That would never work for me."

The trick with doubt is it is like adhesive. It persuades you to stay unmoved. When you decide not to move, you apparently move backwards because time passes by.

In our PPC marketing industry, that is a calamity. The digital marketing space is dynamic and constantly in flux where change is constant. It will not wait for anyone.

Here is a good way to shift away from "doubt", which is at least working for me.

Ask yourself, "What if.."

..I tried something different. manager appreciated it.
..that idea actually worked for the client’s business.

What do these mean?

Think about the possibilities. Talk to others about them for further refinements if you think. Analyze and take action.

Then ask yourself, "What can help me think outside the box?"

I know you will find tons of ways on the web to overcome the uncertainty (yet challenging nature) of the PPC marketing world.

I find the challenges very inspiring. It helps me clear every doubt inside me and grow that is achievable."

The old cliché, "you don't know until you try" is true.

What if you too start doing and stop hesitating?

What could it do for you?

I wish to see you in better mental shape to excel in your PPC marketing.


Monday, March 13, 2023

Stop Chasing Happiness (ROI)


Welcome to my blog!

Have you noticed how the vast majority of social media posts you see from different brands and celebrities are of them smiling and looking happy (or spreading happiness)?

While it’s obvious we’re not drawn to want to see lots of photos and videos of people looking upset and crying, at the same time, the constant production of content (both textual and multimedia) focus on happiness has become an unhealthy obsession in social media marketing.

What do I mean by this?

Well, when you look at those pictures of people (or social media ads) appearing to be enjoying their lives and having fun with products they are endorsing, I’m sure a part of you feels that you’re failing to be as happy as others.

This is how social media marketers trying to gain attention through running ad campaigns to do business for making money.

But I’ve got news for you.

The public face of most people (incl. in those social media ads) does not accurately reflect their true feelings and character.

Just because someone’s Facebook feed is loaded with pictures of them looking cheerful (or endorsing a product) - doesn’t mean they’re a happy person (or use the product in reality). In fact, often the people who look the happiest, are actually just trying hard to hide their inner sadness.

Can I share an open secret with you?

True satisfaction and contentment in life will always involve regular ups and downs. Similarly, if you (as a social media marketer) focus on trying to be 100% profitable all the time, you’ll be striving towards an unattainable campaign goal. One that will eventually leave you disappointed and disillusioned.

Do you imagine that highly successful people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates spend their time and energy trying to be continually happy? No. They understand that to achieve BIG things in life, there’ll always be inclement days and sunny days.

So, my recommendation to all digital marketers as a social media marketer is to stop chasing perpetual happiness (or maximizing ROI), and instead, put your focus on helping others (i.e., the target audience), building your brand, and being the best friend to your loyal clients and partners (search engines) that you can be. These are the authentic pathways to a life of fulfillment if you are in a marketing agency.

Have you been considering conversions the only goal of your campaign always? If yes, then, keep on reading.

When we talk about online ads, in an agency, we often think about generating leads all the time – with zero tolerance level. Many try to pursue this constant state of “generating leads” as their ultimate goal and avoid anything that may take it away from them.

Don’t Assume Other Marketers Are Always Happy

No one runs a perfect ad campaign. Even the most glamorous agencies or the richest social media influencers have their own set of challenges and problems.

As a social media marketer, I’ve had to deal with countless problems (from convincing clients to explaining my BOSS), and some of them felt like real setbacks at the time. But, I got through them; and, weeks, months, and eventually years passed with many more ups and downs.

Looking back now, a lot of those “really big” professional problems at the time now seem like only small blips in a long line of experiences in my online marketing career. Recalling them in my mind now makes me smile!

Stop Trying To Generate Leads

It’s natural to want to be happy as often as possible.

So what can we do as an online ad campaign manager?

First, throw away the belief that a perfect life (read campaign) means happiness (read profit). Personally, I would be miserable if everything was perfect. It’s through experiencing the pains (or customer pain points) of lifelong challenges that drive us to care for others (read target audience) when they are experiencing similar trials. If life was perfect, you wouldn’t be able to empathize. If life was perfect, you wouldn’t grow.

To achieve the goal, focus on optimizing the process.

It sounds like a paradox. But, what I mean is to accept that there will be ups and downs throughout life. Gracefully understand that happiness is a fluctuation of positive and negative events.

Understand the importance of building a process. Instead of focusing on “generating leads”, set your focus on process development. I like to think about my career, for example. When I didn’t have a job to take care of my family, I felt lost and demotivated. I felt like everyone was figuring out their lives but me. But, when I set up this blog and then started a small business venture, I was deeply happy, even before I realized I would be successful! This memory keeps me going when I hit tough spots.

It takes effort to hit the goal consistently.

Success & Failure Exist Together

What it all comes down to is this: your life as a social media account manager will be filled with beautiful, happy, and incredible moments–happy tears and joyous shouts and funny stories. But, your professional life will also be filled with rain and storms that never seem like they will pass while you’re going through them.

But, whether your face is warmed by the sunshine, or your heart is dampened by the rain, know that it’s all part of the job and flow of profession.

Treasure the happy moments and power through the sad ones. Don’t try to avoid “ROI” or “number of leads” generated, but don’t blindly chase “profit”. In the end, you will achieve a true level of contentment in your social media marketing job, based on meaningful experiences and achievements. Being able to create growth and meaning out of both positive and negative events in your digital marketing career – that is the true meaning of “happiness”.



Wednesday, March 1, 2023

When You Don’t Know How To Start PPC?

Hi All,

Is it really possible to build a hugely successful (in terms of positive ROI) PPC campaign and career as an Ad Manager?


Online learning alone is already more than a 160 billion dollar per year industry, projected to grow to over 300 billion by 2023.

We’re currently seeing higher education and many other education options fail (including a lot of underwhelming online digital marketing courses) most possibly as another aftereffect of COVID-19.

And if you don’t want your PPC education to be lumped into that category, then take the help of our professional PPC guides to achieve the results that you desire.

Courses that provide a learning transformation are going to thrive, and those that don’t are going to disappear – like all bad products eventually do – and this becomes apt even more now.

That’s why team Tenet is launching a free online PPC masterclass to expand on the concepts we have discovered through years of experience in managing PPC Ad campaigns, testing, optimizing, and learning. Because if you’re interested in building and running a profitable online ad campaign say for your local business, our team of teachers wants you to have everything you need to succeed.


Because, we want to create a better digital marketing community, a more kind of DIY PPC resources from whom we can also able to learn something in return later.

Now, you can book your slot from multiple available times and dates as per your convenience, and in the PPC training session, you’ll learn:

  • Basics of PPC account management; how the same PPC tricks that you can use to run search network-based campaigns can be applied for display network-based campaigns.
  • The 3 components of effective PPC management that an ad campaign MUST include to move the needle for account manager (almost every PPC advertiser you've ever seen only focuses on one of these, and doesn't even do that one well)
  • The 2 biggest reasons why an ad campaign fails, and how you can sidestep them both to achieve success in form of the achieving campaign goals.
  • The design thinking-inspired PPC campaign LAUNCH process for designing ad groups’ formation and organizing keywords; no tricks, no gimmicks, just the latest PPC techniques that change your perspective for running PPC ads and grow your business
  • The 6-step landing page design process, and the order in which to go through the steps (going in the wrong order can seriously mess up your PPC success, and cost you a small fortune)
  • Why PPC and online marketing are a $4.4 trillion (yes, TRILLION) opportunity, and why NOW is the time to jump in PPC with a serious mindset
  • Plus a whole bunch more about online advertising on platforms like Google and LinkedIn.

Are you interested?

Then register for Tenet’s free PPC Masterclass.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

SEO Link Building: Quality vs. Quantity

If you chase quality and quantity in SEO submission, both will lack.

Hi Friends,

I don’t how many of you maintaining both quality and quantity in off-page SEO work day-to-day, but I know that most executive fails to chase both at the same time.

Especially if you are still following the year 2010’s SEO submission methods.

Please rectify your off-page SEO paradigm.

One of my managers in an organization where I worked as a professional SEO years ago, was always stressed on maintaining quality in work. But when it comes to reporting, he screamed a lot since the off-page SEO submission numbers were low. It was not enough how many quality backlinks I gained, to him at that point, the quantity was the issue.

Another of my previous manager has a lot of link-building ideas, he wants to keep us abreast of the new backlink generation trend, and he wants to try everything out at once without compromising quality.

But trying to do everything with maintaining quality and quantity both leaves him burnt out and struggling to relax.

Which taught me this –

If you need to run your SEO campaign successfully, it isn’t enough to “build back-links anymore”. You need to get the right ones.

And do it in the quickest way possible. That way you do not have to look at neither the quality and nor the quantity anymore.

This means focusing on the right link opportunities and on the right ways to win a backlink – the ones that will have the most impact on your SEO work.

Unfortunately, most of the managers are still verbally encouraging their teams to maintain the quality however when it comes to reviewing, they focus more on numbers in your quota.

In fact, many have lost their career direction in and as SEO because of the dilemma between qualities vs. quantity.

Here are my suggestions to those managers which will help you how to implement a comfortable system for everyone matching the latest SEO trends:

  • Pinpoint the right prospects for backlinks
  • Approach them in a creative way,
  • And track to identify how your backlink generation system work for your SEO goals over and over again

This is not a fight between quality and quantity. There is no strategy discussion needed or any secret SEO link-building formulas exist.

All we need to be focused on our responsibilities and meeting SEO project goals with our own dignified SEO techniques.

Do not chase quality and quantity both at the same time – chase realistic results instead to make a super easy et enjoyable SEO submission process.


Monday, January 2, 2023

How Do You Evaluate A Digital Marketing Campaign?

Through Google Analytics - the most common answer.

In today’s post, I run through 9 easy ways to quantify your digital marketing success using Google Analytics for free.

A positive return on investment (ROI) is the most common objective of every single digital marketing campaign.

However, while the goal of digital marketing is to increase profits, not every campaign directly leads to revenue. Some campaigns raise awareness of your brand, while others might drive visitors to your website - but both help positively on ROI in the long run - some directly and some indirectly, but short-term results are to be difficult to quantify with monetary values.

This raises an important question: how do you know whether your digital marketing efforts are effective?

Here I’ll brief you about nine easy ways to quantify the success of your digital marketing campaigns.

But first let’s split the entire quantification technique into two categories: conversions and website behavior for easy understanding.


Conversions happen when visitors or customers take specific actions as a result of your digital marketing effort. Unlike website behavior, conversions are more directly linked to sales transactions and revenues. Since your ultimate goal is increasing ROI, making sure your digital marketing converts is absolutely essential.

Here are five types of conversions that can indicate the success of a campaign:

#1 Online sales

Online sales from your website are imaginably the most common conversion for gauging success. Tracking and quantify your online sales is easy if you use Google Analytics or another Web analytics platform.

After installing a small snippet of code on your landing page, you’ll be able to see which of your campaigns are generating the most online sales. This is the simple yet most important conversion metric for strictly e-commerce business owners.

#2 Online-to-store sales

Not everyone who finds your business online will buy from your website straightaway all the time. Many local customers are likely to visit your store physically and make purchases. How do you measure these conversions?

Don’t worry as there are definitive ways to measure online-to-store sales.

For example, you can collect information from prospective customers on your website, such as email addresses, that can later be compared with data collected at the store’s cash register. Or, you can offer a special discount code on your website so when buyers redeem the discount you’ll be able to easily match it back to the marketing campaign. Or, you can just ask customers whether they found your business online and check how they found you – such as via a PPC ad, Facebook, or a Google search – and tally their answers to easily match it back to the marketing campaign. Then you can see which campaigns drive more in-store conversions.

#3 Leads from web forms

Most websites have contact forms that visitors can use to request services, schedule appointments, or get more information. If you’re using Google Analytics, you’ll be able to see which marketing campaigns result in the most use of your multiple web forms.

Any visitor who completes and submitted successfully a web form could later convert it into a customer. Therefore, marketing campaign success can be measured by the number of leads (web form submissions) generated.

#4 Leads and sales from phone calls

Tracking and measuring leads and sales from phone calls is also important for businesses that drive conversions via the phone.

To track calls, you’ll need to set up dynamic number insertion (DNI) call tracking feature, which shows visitor's unique phone numbers depending on how they arrived at your website. You can then view your phone logs (Phone Analytics and reporting are now available on Google Analytics) to see which campaigns result in the most call conversions.

#5 Leads from live chats

Does your website offer live chat for visitors? If yes, then you must consider taking it as another way to engage your visitors.

Once you have chat installed on your website, then you need to track which marketing campaigns are initiating the most chats. This can be done using the built-in tracking in your chatbot or by installing Google Analytics into your chat program. In both cases, you’ll be able to track which campaigns are driving more leads for your business via live chat.

Now that I’ve covered 5 ways to track and measure conversions from digital marketing, it’s time to move on to tracking how visitors behave on your landing pages. Just because a visitor doesn’t convert immediately, doesn’t mean s/he’s never going to. For that reason, it’s logical to look at other areas aside from conversions. We must also review website behavior metrics to measure digital marketing success because website behavior can often open the path for conversions.

Website Behavior

Here are four ways to prove digital marketing success based on website behavior:

#1 Website visits

This one is simple – which of your digital marketing campaigns are bringing the most traffic to your website? Although this is a rather shallow metric compared to any goal conversions, it’s still important to measure visits (users and sessions) per marketing channel.

This is especially helpful when you do an assessment of traffic trends over time. For example, you’ll want to measure traffic from the Organic Search channel periodically so you validate if your SEO efforts are working or not. Plus, you’ll be able to detect potential problems early on if you see a sudden drop in organic traffic.

#2 Page views per visit

Website visits are important, but they don’t really specify whether visitors are engaged by your business (with your content on the landing pages). What if nobody (or only a few) who visits your website clicks around to your various products and pages?

Fortunately, Google Analytics can show you how visitors click through your site while also providing average numbers of page views per visit in addition to information associated with the bounce rate and exit rate.

Pay close attention to which web pages your customers are visiting most, how long they are staying on a page, and how many pages they are browsing during that visit. You might find that online customers are more attracted to certain discount offers or specific products in your inventory. If you’re promoting your blog, you can also get ideas about the topics your visitors find most interactive.

#3 Time spent on the website

How much time are people spending on your blog or website during a visit, and which of your digital marketing campaigns is driving in the most engaged visitors?

Google Analytics can track this, too. Again, time spent on your website doesn’t directly lead to sales always, but visitors who spend more time browsing have found your website interesting are more likely to come back later and buy.

#4 Bounce rate

In the world of digital marketing, a high bounce rate can be severe for several reasons.

If any of your campaigns have high bounce rates – meaning people are leaving as soon as they land on your web page — then there’s probably a serious disconnection between your marketing strategy and your landing page. Some search engines might interpret websites with high bounce rates as low-quality or spam, resulting in a penalty in form of a drop in keywords rank on SERP.

The point to remember is, a high bounce rate on the landing page is good because it shows that people are moving from it to other pages on your website. Whereas a high exit rate for that same landing page is a signal that something more serious is going on with your website, and more specifically, with your sales or conversion funnel.

Use Google Analytics to measure your bounce rate over time to spot trends in each of your marketing campaigns and their effectiveness too.


Knowing how to track and measure the success of your digital marketing campaigns will save you a lot of stress down the road. You won’t need to guess whether you’re wasting your time and resources with various campaigns. You can stop or pause campaigns that aren’t working, or you can optimize campaigns to really focus attention on your goals.

And one more thing — always set KPIs – means know how you’ll measure a campaign’s success before you create and then launch it. Yes, this requires a more thoughtfully constructed plan for your marketing efforts, but you should never start a digital marketing campaign that doesn’t have a specific objective.

Plan ahead, set sight at your target to achieve, and you’re more likely to stay profitable when measuring the success of campaigns.

Be Seen, Be Local: Why Local SEO is a Game Changer for North East Indian Businesses

Intro Imagine a customer in Shillong searching online for "best momos near me." Do you want your restaurant to be the first thing ...